Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Taking a swimming break!

My personal trainer is on vacation. I opted to not see another trainer. Therefore this week I have started swimming lessons with the kiddos. I am doing *Backpack first because he doesn't like to go to the kids room and he is the most likely to jump into the water without a swim floaty. I'm following the program designed by Aquatic Achievers by USwim, a company based in Australia. The approach is very hands-on with one-on-one instruction, which is what I wanted. I decided to do one child per week.
Today, *Backpack and I did front and back floats. Tomorrow we'll work on going underwater!

*When blogging I use alias names for the kids:
6 year old - Trouble (because that is what he is!)
4 year old - Dynomite (her initials are TNT)
2 year old - Backpack (named by trouble)
Baby - Aussie (9 mo. before he was born we were in Australia)

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