Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Tuesday's Tips: 15

Today's tip is how to CALCULATE the CALORIES you need to reach/maintain your ideal weight. There are some variables depending on your activity level, but here's the basic rule for most people.
Take the Weight you want to be and divide it by 2.2, this gives you your weight in Kilograms (Kg.). Then take that number (Kg.) and multiply it by 25 if you're female and 30 if you're a male.


A woman wants to weigh 150 lbs.
150 / 2.2 = 68.18
68.18 x 25 = 1704.5.
To maintain the weight of 150 lbs. A woman should eat about 1700 calories each day.

A man wants to weigh 170 lbs.
170 / 2.2 = 77.27
77.27 x 30 = 2318.1
To maintain the weight of 170 lbs a man should eat about 2300 calories each day.

Now it's your turn.
W / 2.2 = Kg.
Kg. x 25 = Calorie allowance

W / 2.2 = Kg.
Kg. x 30 = Calorie allowance

If you don't understand calories, you can click here to read a post I wrote about your calorie bank.

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