Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Weight Machines!

I won't be able to meet with the trainer until tomorrow. So Monday and Tuesday I was able to use the different weight machines. This is very different for me. Running, sit-up, push-up is what I'd normally consider a work out. But I think I feel more of burn using weights than cardio. Probably because my body isn't use to weights. I does feel good, and I'm actually breaking a sweat. I wish we'd thought of joining a gym years ago!
I'll see what she has in store for me tomorrow!!

Friday, June 17, 2011

I'm getting a Trainer...because I don't know what I'm doing!

Last week the 2 year old was sick so I didn't get to the gym until Wednesday. I met with a trainer for a consultation to figure out if we want to see a trainer full time. He tested my body fat percentage and explained the benefits of a trainer.
I have 25.6% body fat which translated into 36lbs of fat and 106 lbs of just me.
He explained that cardio alone will not help and neither will doing the same thing over and over. He said that I need to do strength training to strengthen the inside of me to burn the fat. Then we did some exercises.
So 30 mins a day is all that is needed. 5 min cardio warm up, 20 mins strength building, 5 min cardio cool down.
That is what we did.
I'm so out of shape...I'm still sore today!
I meet with my real trainer today to take measurements and set up a program to lose the baby weight!
Of course, I'll keep you posted!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Work Out Log

I stared going to the gym last week, but sporadically. The goal is to go everyday.
Currently I'm weighing in at 142.

  • Monday I worked out for 1 hr. 15 min, which included a 2 mile run and 29 min. reshape circuit.

  • Tuesday was the same.

  • Wednesday I biked 15 miles in 40 min.

  • Thursday Travis accompanied me to the gym. He went to have his body fat test, but instead scheduled a fitness evaluation with one of the trainers. I ran/walked 2.5 miles and started on the reshape circuit. But half way through one of the trainers scheduled me for an evaluation for Monday. We talked for awhile so I wasn't able to complete the circuit.

  • Friday we took the kids swimming...that counts, right?!?

I'm feeling a little slow, but at least I'm moving :-)
I have Netflix on my phone, so I've watching 30 Rock while running. It helps not to think about the pain!!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Returning from the dead....

but unfortunately so did my baby fat! Ha ha!
I know that Bonnie-Jean has started this wonderful blog and that I told her that I'd work hard to lose this oh so lovey baby weight. But alas we got orders to California and it all went downhill. But I have not forgotten my friend or my promise to her. So I've joined a gym. I start tomorrow.
We're all settled in California and I'm ready to get my exercise/healthy eating groove on :-)

And Dear Bonnie-Jean, I hope I didn't give you a heart attack by my spontaneous post!!
