Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Tuesday's Tips: 11

Here we are, approaching a New Year and the time when everyone makes resolutions. The question is, do you actually remember what your resolutions are and do you keep them? I manage to do well on some of them, but honestly, most of the time my resolutions are unrealistic.... sooooo....

Tip: Set REALISTIC health goals for yourself.
If you need to lose 50 lbs., then say "I can lose a pound a week." If you do better than that great, but the point is 1 pound a week is much easier to attain than 10 lbs. a week. I was realistic with my weightloss goals and I managed to lose 30 pounds in 4 1/2 months.

You can do it! And, if any of you want me to help cheer you on, just drop me a note, and I'll gladly help in any way I can. :)

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